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Classroom Lessons

I visit classes to share stories and teach age-appropriate lessons from our District Counseling Curriculum. Lessons include topics such as listening, social skills, friendship, and conflict resolution. Lessons and books may vary slightly from year to year. 


-          Listening - Listen, Buddy

-          Respect

-          Manners - Do Unto Otters

-          Me First!

-          Tattling - A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue

-          Feelings and Anger

-          Conflict and Bullying

-          Big Deals and Little Deals


First Grade

-          Compact (for behavior outside classroom)

-          Feelings - Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods that Make My Day

-          Model Friend

-          Friendship Garden

-          Hurt Feelings - The Hurt

-          Compliments

-          M&M Theory

-          Bullying - The Recess Queen

-          Conflicts and Talk It Out Table - Enemy Pie


-          What is Conflict

-          The Conflict Escalator

-          Solving Conflicts

-          Solving Problems

-          Perspective

-          Conflict and Feelings

-          Diversity

-          Community

Second Grade

-          Mindset


Third Grade

-          Peacemakers and Peacebreakers

-          Big Problems vs. Little Problems

-          The Peace Rose

-          Using the Peace Table

Fourth Grade

-          The Importance of Kindness - Greenie

-          One – Recognizing Bullying

-          My Secret Bully – different types of bullying

-          Say Something – What to do

-          Self Esteem - Zero

-          Making Mistakes and Accepting Feedback


Fifth Grade

-          Bulling / Be an Ally

-          Conflict and Conflict Styles

-          Results of Conflict Styles / Perspective

-          Intro Peace Table - Reflective Listening

-          Respectful Communication – I-Messages and Apologies

-          Problem Solving through Mediation – The Butter Battle Book

-          Role Playing

-          Building Community